Happiness is… Valuing your past.

Happiness is … Hello, My Friends Decisions are the little things our lives are made up of. At any moment of any day, you are making decisions. You are deciding what to eat and what not to eat. You decide what to wear. You decide on what goes into your environment. The little, seemingly insignificantContinue reading “Happiness is… Valuing your past.”

Happiness is… Making Decisions Easily

Hello, My Friends Personal emotional support is essential for a well lived life.  Yesterday I asked you whether your emotions were on board with your decisions?  Do you struggle to make decisions?   Your conscious mind gathers information from your environment around you. Your five senses are relaying data to your brain. Your brain then relaysContinue reading “Happiness is… Making Decisions Easily”

Happiness is… Getting your emotions on board

Happiness is … Hello, My Friends What inspires you? Such a great question, what was your answer? Conscious mind is the deciding mind. The conscious mind is where your reasoning takes place. This is where your New Year’s resolutions come from. Your mind has been collecting data, listening to you talking about all the thingsContinue reading “Happiness is… Getting your emotions on board”

Happiness is… Thinking Deliberately

Happiness is … Hello, My Friends Your mind is a powerful tool.  People have been studying the brain and it’s capabilities for generations.  The discoveries are very enlightening, we have more impact on our lives than we have ever dared to think about.  Your brain holds the key to health and wellness.  You can interruptContinue reading “Happiness is… Thinking Deliberately”

Happiness is… Brain Training

Happiness is… Hello, My Friends Your body is the sensor that lets you know what is going on within the parts of your body that are not so easy to see. What we see with our eyes, and feel with our senses are not the only aspects of our body.  Today we will begin toContinue reading “Happiness is… Brain Training”

Happiness is… Loving your body

Hello, My Friends How can we build self trust in our body?  Everything that happens in our body is feedback.  Pain is feedback, Joy is feedback.  Click the tile below to see today’s video. It is really important to acknowledge your body.  Your body and you are on the same team. You both want theContinue reading “Happiness is… Loving your body”

Happiness is … Trusting your body, your mind and your spirit.

Happiness is… Hello, My Friends You have the power within you to set your greatness and your full potential free. How do you build trust in your body, your mind, and your spirit?  It’s easy to say, and so difficult and uncomfortable to do.  We all have an inner knowing. I can guarantee, if IContinue reading “Happiness is … Trusting your body, your mind and your spirit.”

Happiness is …

Hello, My Friends Within you is greatness, an untapped wealth of potential.  Learning about who you are, what you like and don’t like are very important aspects to unwrapping the gift of yourself.  Most of us are unhappy because we are doing things that are not in alignment with our greatness.  We are striving toContinue reading “Happiness is …”