Tiny Actions And Accountability

At the end of the day we are accountable to ourselves -Our success is a result of what we do and who we are. Quote: Catherine Pulsifer Picture: Gantas Vaiciulenas on Unsplash Hello, My Friends As 2021 draws to an end, I tend to have a review of the previous year. This year has beenContinue reading “Tiny Actions And Accountability”

‘I am wanter’ & the ‘I have appreciator’.

What do you want to be in the gifts under the tree? What are you willing to do to become the “I am wanter”? What will it take for you to be an “I have appreciator”? With the New Year knocking at the door. I’ve been thinking at lot lately about “I wants”. The otherContinue reading “‘I am wanter’ & the ‘I have appreciator’.”

Wheels of Balance

Balancing the many facets of life is thrilling and scary. Being part of the process brings Satisfaction and Purpose Balance in your life is in your hands, you have the power to create. Hello, My Friends Life has a way of bringing up, things that I’ve hidden in the back ground. This week hubby wasContinue reading “Wheels of Balance”

S.E.T. yourself to enjoy vulnerability.

Vulnerability is the ability to stand alone with your emotions when the world is a hard and rigid place. Linda Codlin Picture by Markus Spiske on unslash.com Hello, My Friends The end of the year is racing into view. Did you set goals at the beginning of this year? Now is a great time toContinue reading “S.E.T. yourself to enjoy vulnerability.”

Past Versions Of Who We Were.

Past secret are like haunted houses, You never know when they’re going to come alive. Deal with the secrets, Let the past rest in peace. Hello, My Friends What do you do when your not so pleasant past, comes flying at you like a steam train in full power? Do you duck and run? IContinue reading “Past Versions Of Who We Were.”

Laughter The Sunshine of Your Soul

A smile starts on the lips, a grin spreads to the eyes, a chuckle comes from the belly; but a good laugh bursts forth from the soul, overflows, and bubbles all around. — Carolyn Birmingham Hello, My Friends A week that has wings is a wonderful thing, living in the moment is dynamic. Living withoutContinue reading “Laughter The Sunshine of Your Soul”

Inner Strength Overcomes Fear

Strength is the inner fortitude to carry on when life gets tough. Picture by x) @speckfecta at unsplash.com Hello, My Friends This week has seen guy fawkes, come and go. The celebration of guy fawkes with fireworks is historic, dating back to old English times. When Mr. Fawkes and his crew decided to blow upContinue reading “Inner Strength Overcomes Fear”

Love Letter From Omni

Hello, My Friends This week has seen witches walking the streets, a cute as little lion, with lion ears popping out of his costume. I’ve seen dad’s dressed as zombies, mum’s dressed as fairies. The little girl twirling in her special dress, with the best purple witches hat I’ve ever seen. Two little boys withContinue reading “Love Letter From Omni”