Relationship: Values and Goals

We all have relationships. The quality of our relationships are dependent on the values and goals of that relationship.
Today I list 5 values and goals that can help you to have successful relationships wherever you find yourself.
Being authentically you, gives you a solid foundation for friendships.

Creating Boundaries with Respect

Do you have difficulty in setting authentic boundaries?The red velvet rope policy empowers you to define what you really want.How you want to be treated.This week I give you a few pointers on setting boundaries for yourself. You get to decide who is invited behind your RED VELVET ROPE. You decide… Who, for how longContinue reading “Creating Boundaries with Respect”

Safe Words for Safe Communication.

Do you have times when you just can’t get your message across?Your emotions are too raw to share with another.Sometimes a safe-word gives space and time for processing.This weeks blog is about communicating. Effective communication is … Making a safe place available. Active listening with eyes, ears and heart. Creating emotional bridges between people. WelcomeContinue reading “Safe Words for Safe Communication.”

Generational Legacy’s Remembered Stories

In my heart is where your story lives. As long as we never forget you, You’ll never truly leave us. Hello, My Friends Merry Christmas, In our family we have a unique way of celebrating this season.My hubby is not overly keen on celebrating Christmas. I teach and believe that each of us are entitledContinue reading “Generational Legacy’s Remembered Stories”

Being offended, choice or response.

People who wish to be offended will always find some occasion for taking offence. John Wesley Hello, My Friends This week has been full and busy with lots of everyday kind of things happening. Life happens in the everyday things. It’s in the normal that we find the attitudes that can be a little offContinue reading “Being offended, choice or response.”

Honest Conversations

One good conversation can shift the direction of change forever. Linda Lambert. Hello, My Friends Honest conversations are the hardest conversations of all. There are so many dynamics going on in the deciding of how honest to be. Weighing up how they (the person or people having to receive the honesty) will take what youContinue reading “Honest Conversations”