Following Your Intuition

Your intuition is a part of your being.Do you use yours? Have you trained yourself to tune into your intuition?The information your intuition assimilates and puts together is just right for you.It is intended for you only. Your body knows you best. “Our intuition is like a muscle; We must practice listening to it andContinue reading “Following Your Intuition”

Self Doubt and Insecurity to Confidence in YOU

Do you feel like doubt is your best friend?It could be. Do you listen to your body when it is feeling doubtful?Stop running from your doubt, Listen to it, learn from it.You have what it takes to be confident. Doubt is trying to tell you something. Stop running and listen. Confidence is listening to yourContinue reading “Self Doubt and Insecurity to Confidence in YOU”

Doing Hard Things

How do you deal with hard things?Do you file them in the too hard basket?Do you procrastinate on them?Do you allow them to take over your thinking and emotions until you can’t do anything?What if you could walk into the hard things with confidence? Hard is a relative term. What is hard for you, mayContinue reading “Doing Hard Things”

Small Decisions, Big Courage

Do make decisions to create a better life?What happens to those decisions and intentions?Do you follow then with courageous action?Without courageous action a decision is just a great thought. it’s when you follow through that it becomes reality. All it takes to change your life is the decision to do so, The courage to followContinue reading “Small Decisions, Big Courage”

You are NOT Alone.

Do you ever feel like you are the only one going through the whirlwind of life?You are not alone.Every other human being is also going through some sort of situation.Do you want to feel peace and calmness?It’s all in your thinking. Don’t ever give up hope, Even when life seems bleak and hopeless, Know thatContinue reading “You are NOT Alone.”

Personal Development

Are you tired of striving to have?Do you want to stop and breathe for a few moments?Where are you in your life?Are you enjoying the process of living your life?You are worthy, because you are.You can stop striving and be. Unlock your potential. Unfold your personality Ignite your passion YOU ARE WORTHY! Hello My Friends,Continue reading “Personal Development”

Essential Food

Everything requires food to survive.Your soul requires food, Your body requires food, Your brain requires food.Everything is working for you, the question is how well is it serving you.We get to choose what we nourish ourselves with. Are we consuming and creating the kind of food that is healthy for us? Listen to your bodyContinue reading “Essential Food”

Sing and Dance

When was the last time you sang out loud?When was the last time you danced deliberately?When you are feeling confident in yourself, you sing and dance, you care less what other people say and think about you?Sing and Dance, have some fun. Hello, My Friends Singing and dancing!When was the last time you sang?Not quietlyContinue reading “Sing and Dance”

Confidence: Wear your confidence cloak

Confidence: Wear your confidence cloak. Hello, My Friends It is the last day of the month, our last day of confidence. With these tips and tools It is my intention that you will go forward and have a prosperous life from the inside out. CONFIDENCE:C= CALMLY0= OVERCOMEN= NEGATIVEF= FLAWSI= IDENTIFYD= DESIREDE= EMOTIONSN= NEGOTIATEC= COMMUNICATEE= EXPECTATIONSContinue reading “Confidence: Wear your confidence cloak”

Confidence: Belief System

Confidence: Belief Systems Hello, My Friends We are emotional feeling beings having a material world experience. How did that make you feel?Did your brain go into overdrive telling you all the reasons why that statement is incorrect?Or did your brain agree? That right there is a belief system. These belief systems are the underlying codesContinue reading “Confidence: Belief System”