You are NOT Alone.

Do you ever feel like you are the only one going through the whirlwind of life?
You are not alone.
Every other human being is also going through some sort of situation.
Do you want to feel peace and calmness?
It’s all in your thinking.

Don’t ever give up hope,

Even when life seems bleak and hopeless,

Know that YOU are NOT ALONE.

Nancy Reagan

Hello My Friends,

This week has been a consolidating week for me. It’s been a week of putting what I have been learning into practice.
It is my belief, that knowledge without practical application is words on a page.
Every one of us, has knowledge. We know what we ought to be doing, and we don’t do it.
For some of us we create intricate plans, we think about all the details, we plan for every contingency known. But, we don’t follow through with our plans.

This week has been a follow through week, it has been a week of looking at what I’m saying I want, and what my actions are saying I want.
And combining the two together.

Okay, today I want to share with you a few tidbits that have struck a chord with me this week.
People are people, they are doing the best they know how to get along in their lives.
Each and every one of us, has stuff going on in our lives.
We are not alone. When we are going through situations not of our creation, we tend to feel like we are alone, the only ones going through an ordeal.
This is not so. Every person everywhere has something going on in their life.
Maybe it is a health issue, something that is life threatening.
Maybe it’s not life threatening but it is a life changing injury or illness.
Maybe it’s the vehicle you rely on to get you to your paid employment source, that has stopped working, in the most embarrassing place, at the most inconvenient time.
Maybe you have had a wardrobe malfunction, which may not be important to anyone else, but it’s important to you.
Maybe you are having conflict with a work colleague, and life feels pretty miserable right now.
or maybe it’s your spouse or partner, who are demanding more from you than you want to give, right now.
Then there is the whole spectrum of financial stresses and strains that infuse tense emotions into every aspect of living.

So, when you see someone who is a little jaded, a little short tempered, a little loud and abrasive, know they have unseen pressures happening in their lives, and they are managing the best they know how.

Next question.
How do you handle the pressures you are currently facing?
There are as many ways to handle or not handle life’s twists and turns as there are people handling these situations.
Is the way you are handling your current pressures, bringing you internal peace, does it create an inner harmony within yourself.

When we learn to listen to our body and our inner guide, and act in a way that is true to us from the inside out, we have a feeling of calmness.
I am not saying that we will not have life events. Life events are inevitable, they happen.
How we handle ourselves, our thoughts, and our actions, in the middle of those events will determine how we feel about ourselves and the situation.

Next question.
How do I want to be, when I come out the other side of this situation?
Who do I need to be, to create the outcome I want as I work my way throught this situation?

We always have a choice, even when it doesn’t seem like we do.
We have the choice of how we will respond, we have the ability to choose our words and actions in a way that bring us pride and harmony, or we can react in ways that hurt others and eventually hurt ourselves.

The thing about reacting and responding they can look the same on the outside, its only on the inside that you truly know whether you were thinking and acting from your best self, or whether you were thinking and acting from your hurt self.

Our life journey is an internal one, the internal then reveals itself on the external life we live.

Today’s challenge is to look at those around you, and see them, see the struggles they are having, and acknowledge they are doing the best they can. Be a little more caring and understanding for yourself and others.

Until next time.
Live your life authentically one thought at a time.

oxoxo Linda.

As a certified Life Coach, I help you to help yourself, so you can create a well lived life your way. 

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Instagram: @lindacodlin

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