Dynamic Living: Expecting the best from Yourself.

Dynamic Living: Expecting the best from yourself. Hello, My Friends Make decisions that have you reaching out to others, expanding your energy and your abilities. We get what we expect, what are your expectations? What do you expect from yourself? Your dynamic life is revealed by what you expect from yourself. Yesterday we talked aboutContinue reading “Dynamic Living: Expecting the best from Yourself.”

Dynamic Living: Create your own supportive environment

Dynamic Living: Create your own supportive culture. Hello, My Friends Being the energy you want to attract, will make it easier to surround yourself with supportive people. The people we mix with have a huge impact on how we see ourselves, our goals and our values.If we are mixing regularly with people who don’t thinkContinue reading “Dynamic Living: Create your own supportive environment”

Dynamic Living: Energy is always moving.

Dynamic Living: Energy is always moving. Hello, My Friends Energy is moving all the time.Even the stationary things are moving, even when they look like they’re not. Moving our bodies is one way to get our energy flowing.I have had people say to me, to save my energy. Energy loves to move, it loves toContinue reading “Dynamic Living: Energy is always moving.”

Dynamic Living: Get involved in your life.

Dynamic Living: Get involved in your life. Hello, My Friends Have you ever written a bucket list?A bucket list is a bit morbid, it’s a list of all the things you want to do before you kick the bucket, pass on, croak whatever your term of endearment is for leaving this plane of existence. StandingContinue reading “Dynamic Living: Get involved in your life.”

Dynamic Living: Optimism, seeing the benefit in little steps.

Dynamic Living: Optimism seeing the benefit in little steps. Hello, My Friends Optimism is “looking on the bright side of life.” You have a choice at how you view everything. This is called perspective.Each one of us has our own perspective on our life. Often we like to believe that there is nothing we canContinue reading “Dynamic Living: Optimism, seeing the benefit in little steps.”

Dynamic Living: Commitment in Relationships

Dynamic Living: Commitment in relationships Hello, My Friends Commitment to work through relationship issues. When we learn to stay in our own business and out everyone else’s we find that relationships with other people become easier. This is because we commit to loving ourselves first, deciding how we want to live our lives and settingContinue reading “Dynamic Living: Commitment in Relationships”

Dynamic Living: The Middleman gets the best of you

Dynamic Living: The middleman gets the best of you. Hello, My Friends Carrying on with yesterday’s topic of commitment, I find the thing most people get stuck on is being able to commit to themselves. Committing to others, showing up when we say we’re going to, is often easier than showing up for ourselves. WeContinue reading “Dynamic Living: The Middleman gets the best of you”

Dynamic Living: Commitment, deciding today for tomorrow.

Dynamic Living: Commitment, deciding today for tomorrow. Hello, My Friends To live a dynamic life takes day by day practice.To get to a goal takes regular practice.What gets you over the line to practice what needs to be done when you don’t want to do it? Commitment: commitment is making a decision today that inContinue reading “Dynamic Living: Commitment, deciding today for tomorrow.”

Dynamic Living: Quality Questions make all the difference.

Dynamic Living: Quality questions make all the difference. Hello, My Friends Quality questions makes all the difference to how you think.Are you someone who uses the why statement as a means to stay in the middle of your drama.Why is this happening to me, again?When you ask this statement, your brain goes into action toContinue reading “Dynamic Living: Quality Questions make all the difference.”

Dynamic Living: Expand your curiosity.

Dynamic Living: Expand your curiosity Hello, My Friends How did you get on with your imaginary shopping? Did you discover a few things you absolutely don’t like, and more things you do like? Today we are looking at remaining curious.Questions? Have you had the privilege of being in the company of a 3 to 5Continue reading “Dynamic Living: Expand your curiosity.”