Discipline: Undisciplined Mind & Deprivation

Discipline: Undisciplined Mind & Deprivation Hello, My Friends When my mind was undisciplined it ran around dabbling in the lives of everyone around me. I didn’t have control of myself so I tried to control everyone and everything around me. I began to build trust in myself, through disciplining my mind.It’s not like I wasn’tContinue reading “Discipline: Undisciplined Mind & Deprivation”

Discipline: Undisciplined Mind & Unruly Child

Discipline: An undisciplined mind is like an unruly child. Hello, My Friends An undisciplined mind is like an unruly child in a candy store.This child is unrestrained, bouncing from one candy jar to another.They are loud, demanding. They are an accident waiting to happen, and when it does they claim it wasn’t their fault. AnContinue reading “Discipline: Undisciplined Mind & Unruly Child”