Super Highways are Created One Routine at a Time.

Without a destination it doesn’t matter where you are going.

Routines are the highways to your dreams.

Update your dream GPS mechanism.

Hello, My Friends

Another glorious week of Autumn weather, while fishing on the banks of the river, hubby and I watched as the waters bubbled with fish. We could see them jumping in the water, yet they weren’t looking at our lines and bait. Frustrated, the old hand fisherman decided it was time to fish the way the fish were eating. He changed from his traditional hook and bait, and went for a spinner, which he skimmed along just under the surface, success and fish for dinner.

Sometimes we need to change the way we have always done things to make the most of the opportunities at hand.

As the new month has just rolled in, I’ve begun writing about affirmations on my Facebook page, “authenticlivingwithlinda” this has got me thinking about my habits, and the ones that are useful and those that are not.

The idle promises I make myself and then don’t follow through on.

Do you identify with me? Do you plan and organize, promise yourself that tomorrow you will eat better, exercise with more heart, drink water, even get up willingly before the alarm. Just to become busy putting out ‘fires’ or procrastinating with other fun things, like Facebook scrolling, crossword puzzles, or even household jobs that are not relative to achieving your goal.

These may seem like small things, I know they are not. They are my future in the now. The way I take care of my body and nutrition now will reap benefits in the future. The shape and state of my body today is the result of previous years of care or neglect.

The way I think makes a direct and obvious difference to the results and success I have in my life.

Routines and habits are thoughts in action. When we behave in a certain way, it is proof that we have thought in a certain pattern. Some habits are good for us. Some are not. Teeth brushing is good for your oral hygiene, eating sweets and highly sugared foods are not good for your teeth.

Your routines are routes to success. They are super highways that when performed routinely and are in accordance with the Universal laws of life, will speed up time and efficiency.

What stops you from making great routines?

Some would say laziness.

Some would say ignorance.

Some would guess the lack of motivation and drive.

I would like to suggest that your will to want to change isn’t as strong as your will to stay the same.

When you find what you really want, and I mean really, really want. Then you begin to make the necessary adjustments to your daily schedule.

Let’s say you have met a new person, who intrigues you. You think about this person, you want to know about who they are and what they think, you go looking for things you have in common. You set up your schedule to ‘bump’ into this person. You take extra care with your appearance, You speak in a manner that won’t offend, you learn new ways of being.

Why? There is the promise of love in the air. Your desire for love is greater than your fear of rejection, or any of your previous habits.

When your why is big enough, you are able to push past any resistance from friends or family, or even from within yourself.

How do you behave when you are in love? Your armour or ardour is strong. The needles from family and friends don’t get through to you. You are focused on what you want. The new person of attraction is your sole focus, everything you do is run through the filter of, what will they think,? Will they like the way I’m dressed? Will they enjoy this activity? What is their preference in entertainment, food, travel, everything?

You lose yourself in the pursuit of another for love.

When you have a big goal, that inspires and frightens you, that taps into your passion and stretches you to become something greater than you have been, you move from the mundane into the realm of extra.

As you nurture your goal, dream about it, imagine how it will look, imagine how you will feel when you have achieved it. You give the goal oxygen, as you begin to take action steps towards achieving your goal, you have the determination to make it happen.

In your determination you make adjustments to your day, you watch TV less, you scroll Facebook less, you begin to arise earlier, you step into the unknown, you talk to people that you would never have thought to approach before.

Your goal is bigger than your fear.

Will you feel fear? Yes.

Will you feel like giving up, and running away? Yes.

Will you have resistance from people around you? Yes.

Will you face your inner limitations and beliefs? Yes.

It is in all these things that your routines and the thoughts behind them, will give you strength, courage, and grace to continue when all looks bleak on the outside.

It is your belief in your desire, your imagination of it already an actuality, and your determination to stop at nothing until you have achieved it, that is like the feeling of love that consumes your entire focus, you take as long as it takes to pursue a new love, so it is with a goal, desire or dream that you are bringing into reality.

Routines and habits are the highways that goals and dreams are brought to life, from thought into reality.

Are you like me, in need of a thought transfusion, to create better routines and habits that support the goals, desires and dreams that we want to bring into fruition. Thought transfusion is a process that is continually happening, a wise person will continually be questioning their thoughts and investigating better ways of thinking.

Affirmations are one of keys to transfusing new thoughts into your brain.

Join me on authenticlivingwithlinda for more tips on how affirmations can and do make a difference to your outcomes in life.

Until Next Time

Sit and dream about what you would love in your life. Day dream, pad it out, see yourself living in it, feel how it would feel to have your dream. Then commit that dream to paper. Read it, let it soak into your soul, read it daily and soak in the feeling of having already attained it. Imagine the possibilities.

This is authentic living with Linda, Wisdom and truth in everyday events.

Linda Codlin

Are you ready to step up and make your routines into super highways that will bring you to your dream quicker, life coaching is one of the best tools available to achieve this, connect by


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