Germinate Your Seeds of Greatness.

You were designed for accomplishment, engineered for success, and endowed with the seeds of greatness. Zig Ziglar Hello, My Friends This week hubby and I went to the wharf and threw worms at the water, we had the intention of catching flounder, we were disappointed. The water was very dirty, the rain we’ve had recentlyContinue reading “Germinate Your Seeds of Greatness.”

A little light displaces the dark, a little thought creates life.

Light a candle in the darkest moments of life Think your thoughts on purpose Shine a light on your ideal future. Hello, My Friends This week has flown by, it seems that every day has been wet. I love rainy days they make me so appreciate having a warm and comfortable home to live in.Continue reading “A little light displaces the dark, a little thought creates life.”

It’s the little things that make a huge impact.

What if…? Why not…? What now…? When…? Hello, My Friends This week I had to opportunity to serve in a way that I least expected. It is amazing to me, how easy it is to give when you are not thinking about the pay back. In the situation I found myself, there was nothing forContinue reading “It’s the little things that make a huge impact.”

We live the lies of our youthful years.

Education is not limited to a classroom, Life gives us the lessons we most need to learn to grow into full maturity. Think, Learn, Do, Teach. Repeat. Hello, My Friends As a new month has begun, I have been reflecting on how I have lived the last month. Have I given my power away toContinue reading “We live the lies of our youthful years.”

Fighting the Hand That Heals You.

I always say a tremendous amount of healing is in your own hands. -Haley Mills. Ask to receive, Extend to give. Hello, My Friends We are on the flip side of winter, we’ve just had the shortest day, so the weather only gets warmer and sunnier. Or that’s what we tell ourselves. Last week ourContinue reading “Fighting the Hand That Heals You.”

Bringing Back Broken Hearts to Health.

Every Time Your Heart is Broken, A Doorway Cracks Open to a World Full of New Beginnings and New Opportunities. You Just Don’t Know it Yet. Patti Roberts How does the broken heart heal? I have been thinking about the broken hearted, people who have had loved ones move on and out of their lives.Continue reading “Bringing Back Broken Hearts to Health.”