Harmony: Resistance is your friend.

Harmony: Resistance Is your friend. Hello, My Friends What are you feeling resistance to?Today I want to talk a bit more about resistance, and how we can use it as a guide to reading the map of our lives. If our aim to be in harmony within ourselves, and resistance is the absence of harmony,Continue reading “Harmony: Resistance is your friend.”

Harmony: The Thought Ladder

Harmony: The Thought Ladder Hello, My Friends What are you striving and pushing for? The way we do anything, is the way we experience that thing. Have you ever forced yourself to train for an event? You pushed yourself, you hated getting out of bed early to train, you moaned and grumbled the entire time.AndContinue reading “Harmony: The Thought Ladder”

Harmony: Resistance is tension

Harmony: Resistance is tension. Hello, My Friends What triggers emotions of well being within you?I am coming to the realization that life is supposed to be fun.By choosing lighter emotions and feelings we attract to ourselves lighter and easier ways of living. Being where we are is exactly where we are, and the more weContinue reading “Harmony: Resistance is tension”

Harmony: Triggers of emotion

Harmony: Triggers of emotion Hello, My Friends What harmonic feedback are you receiving through your emotions? Everything we see, feel, taste, touch, hear, know, and believe is feedback. Within this feedback we have been trained how to or how not to respond to the triggers of the vibrational energy flowing through our body. Today IContinue reading “Harmony: Triggers of emotion”

Harmony: Vibrational Feedback

Harmony: Vibrational Feedback Hello, My Friends What has to change for harmony to be a part of your life? Let’s look at this a little deeper. Our thoughts create everything. Without our thoughts thinking about a thing, does that thing exist? For change to occur we must become aware. Often we become aware of whatContinue reading “Harmony: Vibrational Feedback”

Respect: Identifying Respect In YOU!

Respect: Identifying Respect within You! Hello, My Friends High regard.Admirable.Approved of.Recognised.Valued.Honoured.Polite.HeardOpen communicationCommitmentDedicationLovedMentoredCourteousAttentiveness.Self-BeliefEnergeticClarityWell ManneredWhich of these terms would you use to describe respect? Which of these terms do identify with? I hope you have discovered a few new things about yourself this month and how you can give and receive respect.It is my intention that eachContinue reading “Respect: Identifying Respect In YOU!”

Respect: February Recap

Respect: February Recap Hello, My Friends We are winding down the month of February, and the month of respect.We have talked about the respect of yourself.Which I believe is the foundation for respecting anything and anyone. To the degree we respect ourselves is to the degree we can respect others. We have talked about respectingContinue reading “Respect: February Recap”

Respect: Open minded conversations

Hello, My Friends Silencing treatments come in such a vast array of disguises. The final way we shut down other people is when we have our minds made up on what we believe to be true and are not willing to hear the opinions of anyone else. We come into a meeting with the opinionContinue reading “Respect: Open minded conversations”