Harmony: Thoughts are Powerful

Harmony: Thoughts are powerful

Hello, My Friends

We have the ability to create through our thoughts.

The situations we find ourselves in may be due in part to our actions, or due to the actions of others and the way in which we have responded to them.

The fabulous thing about our thoughts are, we can think whatever we want.

Research has shown that by distracting our mind, we can reduce the sensations of pain.

Isn’t that amazing, that our brain can have that much power, firstly to create pain, and secondly to over-ride the sensations of pain.
When we decide to do something, our brain can make up excuses for us to, or not to do what we have decided.

Have you ever had people tell you that you look ill, when you feel fine, and the more often others tell you, you’re not looking so good, the quicker you begin to feel unwell?
I have, that’s the power of the suggestive mind. Once a seed is sown, and it sits well with you, it doesn’t take very long to come to life and take on a life of it’s own.
Another example would be, when you want to go some where specific, maybe to a concert with friends, there are multiple reasons for you not to go. Maybe you have to take time off from work, booking transportation maybe flights, buses and finding accommodation, maybe you have limited financial resources, and it’s up to you to organize child care. All these items become small in comparison to your want. You work diligently at ironing out all the things that would stop you.
This concert is a once in your life time event and you’ve decided you’re going. Your mind is using it’s super powers to help you get there.

You sort and organize, things fall into place that you thought would never be able to happen.
Synchronicity is at work, harmony is at work to make your desire your reality.

Your way of thinking is that powerful.
When you have faith and belief in yourself, you can ask for what you want, and you expect to receive it.
It won’t necessarily be a snap of your fingers instant, as you do what you know needs to be done, it will unfold itself and you will be able to see, and feel which turn is best for you.
Then as you become the person ready to receive it, you will receive it.
Harmony is flowing in sync with your inner energy, and the energy of desired want.

Thoughts wrapped in feelings are powerful things.
Understand this principle and you will understand how to create what you want.

Today’s question is.. What are you creating? Thoughts are powerful!

Until tomorrow look at the results of your life, what have you created so far? Do you like what you have and how you are living?
Thoughts create, actions are guided by thoughts.

oxoxo Linda

As a certified Life Coach, I help you to help yourself, so you can create a well lived life your way. 
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Look on the bright side of life.

Imagine a future with you as the creator.

What would you create?

How would your life look?

What would the bright side be?

Hello, My Friends

These words are the title of the song by Monte Python. ‘Always look on the bright side of life.’ It’s a catchy tune the chorus, and the whistling helps to balance the other lyrics.

When the world is looking bleak, and it is at the moment, find the things that are working well. Remember where our attention goes, is where our energy flows.

I wonder what our future selves will say about this space and time in history, when we look back. It’s amazing to me that as humans we have the potential to create anything. Anything, when we set our hearts and minds on what we want, when we work towards it with complete focus and dedication we can have, be and do anything.

We can sow seeds of love and joy, peace and harmony, we can build bridges that unify. We can use our energy, words and materials for the expansion of all.

Anxiety, fear, loss and scarcity are emotional states of being, these are within your ability to change.

What you focus on grows, the more attention you give to what is not working, the stronger it becomes and the more you see what doesn’t work. It’s all back to front really.

To get what you want, you have to take your focus off what you already have, or the lack of what you don’t have.

Imagination is the key, most people use their imagination against themselves. They forward project the worst case scenarios into their lives. Every time you feel tense about your situation, you are forward projecting about the situation. When you project forward you feel anxious about how things may work out, you worry about how things could be. What if you imagined the situation turning out exactly how you want it to be? If you used your imagination to see the situation exactly how you want it to be.

Imagine loosely, the feeling you want to have when you think about your situation, find a place in your thoughts that make you feel happier, more peaceful, more confident and able to manage.

Imagine you have the tools you need, you have the ability to find everything you need to produce an outcome that feels better for you.

You have what it takes to soothe the emotions of anxiety, distress, guilt, shame and regret. You may have to face some hard truths on your journey, however the freedom of living in your authenticity is worth it.

If I can encourage you to follow your instinct, the instinct that leads to health, harmony, wealth and wisdom, to begin to take the brave steps of what you know you need to do. To begin to reach out to the support systems that are within your reach. And to keep reaching, until you get the support you require. I believe you know what you need instinctively. You know what is not working in your life.

Use your imagination, see yourself in your ideal life, feel what it feels like to be safe, to have security, to feel your emotions and to have control over them, feel what it feels like to love yourself, to give yourself all the things you need to be the person you have a sense you are.

Use your imagination to feel yourself living in your ideal environment, imagine yourself talking to people easily and effortlessly, imagine yourself doing the things that inspire you, that make you feel enthusiastic, that build your strength and confidence. Imagine yourself earning and creating the financial abundance you want, see yourself working at the things that have you whistling with joy.

Use your imagination to give yourself the kick start you need to get moving.

Everything you do, you do for the feeling you believe you will gain from doing that thing. Your imagination is the key to finding that feeling in advance.

Your imagination is the place all things begin, every item you have in your life today began as an idea in someone’s imagination. The place you live, the clothes you wear, the toothbrush you use, the dishes you eat from, every thing started as an idea in some one’s imagination. Why not your imagination? You have ideas that can make a difference, nurture them and grow them.

Look on the bright side of life. Give the bright side your time and energy. Give yourself a chance to be happy, to feel joy, hope and peace. Give yourself the gift of life.

Look inside yourself for your authentic truth, use your imagination for you.

Until next time, whistle or hum an uplifting ditty.

oxox Linda

As a certified Life Coach, I help you to help yourself, so you can create a well lived life your way. 

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My details are…


email: authenticlivingwithlinda@gmail.com

Website: https://www.authenticlivingwithlinda.com

Facebook: https://facebook.com/lindacodlin25

Instagram: @lindacodlin

Harmony: Expand your six internal senses.

Harmony: Expand your six internal senses.

Hello, My Friends

External sense or Internal senses, which is dominant?

What are your internal senses?

As I mentioned yesterday, we are familiar with our external senses, these are the senses we have been trained to use through the education system, through our home environments, through the views of the society and communities you are exposed to .

The internal senses are the unseen things, the unseen senses that we often feel, or have an awareness of.

  1. Perception: The lens with which you view the world, the way of thinking you have been trained to see through.
  2. Will: The determination and discipline to do something.
  3. Imagination: To build with your mind, visualize what you want and how you want it to feel and look.
  4. Memory: The ability to hold a thought in your mind and remember it. We all have a perfect memory, often we don’t train our memory to remember.
  5. Intuition: The ability to feel energy shifts of those around us, we pick up the vibrational shifts of energy in our surroundings.
  6. Reason: The ability to choose, to take information, decypher what it means, and make a decision.

These are all internal senses that are picked up by our conscious mind, filtered and then fed into our subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind never sleeps, it is always receiving feedback, and it has no ability to discern between real and imagined.

As we learn to work with and expand the 6 internal senses along with our 5 external senses, we begin to get more in touch with our emotional/ subconscious mind.

As young children up to around the age of 7 years, our subconscious mind is always open, taking in everything, every emotion, every sense, every word, and feeling.
Children are finely tuned emotional beings, and as such may experience overwhelming sensations or vibrations in their bodies.

Today’s question is… Are you willing to expand your understanding and use of the six internal senses?

Until tomorrow, think about ways in which you already use these internal senses.

oxoxo Linda

As a certified Life Coach, I help you to help yourself, so you can create a well lived life your way. 
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Harmony: External & Internal Senses

Harmony: External and Internal Senses

Hello, My Friends

Did you try one of the belief busters from yesterday?
What is a belief?
A belief is as varied as there are people, a belief is a way of thinking, a paradigm.

It is a point of view that we see the world through.

We have and hold beliefs about everything.
The way people dress, to gender responsibilities, to money, to governmental responsibilities, all the way through to how we see ourselves fitting in or not fitting in.

A belief is a thought or ideal that has been impressed upon our minds, and often before we even knew we could think.

Our mind has two large components, in relation to beliefs at least, one is the conscious mind, this is where we think, we filter all the information that is sent to our brain from our physical senses.
Taste, touch, sight, hearing, odour. Our brain filters every thing, and it is often filtered through the unseen and unknown beliefs we have.
The other component of our brain is the subconscious mind. This mind is the real control centre.
This is the area where our beliefs live, where all our programming is done.

It is in this command centre that orders are given. We use our physical senses to guide us through this life.
What we are not taught is that we have also been given spiritual senses, to guide us as well.
These spiritual senses are not as strong as our physical senses.
It’s true what they say, the dog you feed the most and the best is the dog that will be the biggest and strongest.

Because we feed our conscious mind with physical stimuli all the time it is our dominant way of seeing life.
And because of beliefs instilled in our minds it can be a distorted way of seeing.

To find harmony within ourselves we must use both the external and internal senses to guide us.
Too much focus on one, leaves the other blurry. Harmony is about getting the balance between the two.

Today’s question is… External Senses or Internal Senses, which is dominant?

Until tomorrow, listen with your heart, stop being busy, stop thinking, just stop and listen to your heart pumping.
Find the harmony within you, between the external senses and your internal senses.

oxoxo Linda

As a certified Life Coach, I help you to help yourself, so you can create a well lived life your way. 
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Harmony: Belief Buster

Harmony: Belief Buster

Hello, My Friends

What sensations do you want to feel in your body?
Do you want to feel good, strong, at peace? Do you want to feel wealthy, like you don’t have to struggle?
Do you want to feel loved, accepted and acceptable?
Everything you do, you do it for the emotion you believe it will give you.
Finding that sensation, emotion, feeling deliberately changes everything.

If you want to feel loved, and you have the self-belief that you are unlovable, finding the feeling of love will be unfamiliar and uncomfortable.

One of the ways to shift a belief that isn’t serving you is to use the thought ladder and pull your belief up one rung at a time, gently moving beneath the glass limit of your belief pushing it a little higher gently over time.

Doing activities, thinking in ways that make you feel a little more lovable.
Sitting with the discomfort when your mind takes over and tries to divert you back into your cage, or your cave, or the relationship, whatever has been your safe space previously.
By soothing your emotions, acknowledging that you are actually alright, that you are in no real danger, and you don’t have to do anything with this emotional feeling, it will subside.
If the resistance is strong, time the feeling, see how long it really lasts, without feeding it any brain time.
I have found if I starve the uncomfortable feeling of brain time, by replacing it with a thought of what I want to feel, it subsides quickly.
Another way I have found to shift a belief that isn’t serving me is to write it in bold letters on a piece of paper, feel the emotions and sensations that are attached to this thought.
Sit with it for a few seconds, then to take a red pen and write the emotion or sensation I want over the top of my not wanted belief, using all the positive energy that goes with by desired belief, I overwrite, and feel.
Then I take the paper to the incinerator and have a burning ceremony, where I watch the unwanted belief go up in flames, knowing that my wanted belief is permeating the smoke.
For some reason this ritual is cleansing for me.
Another way I have found is to write what I want. My tutor calls it a life script, write what you want in detail, think about your ideal day, think about your ideal home, think about your ideal self.
As you write, feel, write and feel as if you are already living your ideal day.
Then record this script onto your phone, listen to it morning and evening.

Take note of what your brain is telling you. What are the thoughts that fly instantly into your mind? These are clues to your self beliefs, these are the things that need to be tidied up.
Everything is feedback, even the seemingly negative self talk.

Begin with loving yourself in the way you speak to yourself.
Self proclaimations are the most damaging, and the most liberating statements you can make to and about yourself.

Today’s question is… Which of the belief busters will you use today?

Until tomorrow, Try out all three busters and find one that is most comfortable for where you are today, the one that is the least threatening to your status quo.
then come back to the others in a weeks time, try the next least threatening, then in another week circle back around to the third, and if you are able don’t abandon any of the busters while you experiement with the others.

oxoxo Linda

As a certified Life Coach, I help you to help yourself, so you can create a well lived life your way. 
If what I am sharing resonates with you, follow me, reach out, share with a friend, like or leave a message below.
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Harmony: Default Sensations

Harmony: Default Sensations

Hello, My Friends

What are you thinking about most? How does this make you feel?

Everything we do, we do it because we believe it will make us feel a certain way.

Often we get stuck in a feeling cycle, I like to call the physical feelings sensations, and the emotional feelings, emotions so we can differentiate between the two.

The doing we do is for the sensation it will give us.

And it doesn’t matter to us whether it is negative or positive doing to get that sensation.
This is why we get stuck on the round-a-bout of ‘bad’ behaviour. The behaviour gets us the sensation we want to feel.
No! we don’t want to get beaten up by our partners, but after the beating is often the loving and tenderness we are looking for.
No! we don’t want to be spoken to in a way that makes us feel the sensations of rejection, however some times these feelings are the default emotions that we know.
They are familiar, and familiar equates to safe to our brain. It sounds warped I know.
This is how self- sabotage works. When we move away from our default sensation, even if it is harming us, our brain begins to scream at us that we are unsafe and have to go back to the status quo.

Have you tried to instill a new habit in your mind and body, and your mind went wild with all types of accusations. (Brain trying to keep you safe, where you are.)
Everyone I know has this inner dialogue in their minds. It’s what you do with this inner dialogue that will determine the amount of success you have in changing your habit.
As we talked about earlier, resisting this dialogue doesn’t work, it builds a barrier instead of a bridge.
When we listen to our brain it will tell us everything we actually believe about ourselves, the doubt, the negative self talk, and what we think about life in general and ours in particular.
This is where the emotional work lies, in cleaning up the thoughts.
Remember we don’t resist, we acknowledge that where we are is where we are.
We go looking for the sensation we want to feel in our body, or the emotion we want to be feeling.
Once we have identified this sensation, we can begin creating it on purpose, and moving in harmony with what we want.

Altering the way you are thinking will alter your emotions.
A belief is a thought that you have thought over and over, this is good news because you can change a belief by changing your thoughts.

A belief is usually wrapped in emotion, the feeling that attached itself to the thought you were having at the time the belief was grounded in your subconscious mind.

The quickest way to alter a belief that isn’t serving you is to create the sensation you want and match a thought to that.
At first this is so, foreign and feels so weird, your mind will tell you all types of things, keep focusing your energy on the sensation you want in your body, the feel good factor.
Think thoughts that elevate your mood, listen to music that elevates your energy, exercise to get your energy moving, these help you to feel good in your body.

Today’s question is… What sensations do you want to feel in your body?

Until tomorrow, notice when you are feeling good, when you are humming to the radio and how that feels in your body.
Notice when you are feeling cheerful, what is going on inside you? These feelings come from within you, never outside you.
The outside stimuli may help you to find that energetic and happy space, but it comes from within you.

oxoxo Linda

As a certified Life Coach, I help you to help yourself, so you can create a well lived life your way. 
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Harmony: Think on purpose

Harmony: Think on purpose

Hello, My Friends

What are you thinking about most? How does this make you feel?
We seldom take a moment to have a look at what we are thinking.

Thoughts flash through our minds so fast, that we’re not even aware we had a thought.

A thought is a sentence that we are thinking in our minds. These can be so fleeting that we can’t catch it.
Have you ever had someone, ask, “What are you thinking?”
And when you went to answer the thought was gone, so it’s easier to say, “Oh, nothing. I wasn’t thinking about anything.”

Today I want to talk about thinking on purpose.
In a way that is what this topic a month is about, it is giving you a snippet of thought to think about.

We are always in such a hurry to glean new information.
This is our scrolling through social media, our brain is looking for new information, however, it doesn’t want to do anything with the information.

Thinking on purpose is stopping, and choosing, something to focus on.
It might be a quote that flashes past your eyes, that halts the scroll factor. Read it, really read it.
Write it down somewhere where you can see it, and think about the words, think about the meaning behind the words.
Then think about the meaning behind the meaning of those words.
Do this for one week. Read and reread the same quote. Make sure it is a quote that is worthy of changing the way you see life. (Things are always working out for me)
Then deliberately think about the quote, let it seep into your mind, under your shields and protection systems.
This is why it is important that it is a quote that inspires you.
I can guarantee that after a week of reading the same quote multiple times a day that you, will probably have memorized it,
you will have questioned its validity, you may disagree or agree with the statement, you will be looking at the words with a different perspective.

This is how an affirmation works. It is a thought about who we are that we repeat over and over to ourselves.
An affirmation can have a positive or negative effect depending on how it is said, “I always blow it, I am never any good at meeting new people.” Affirmations! These don’t make you feel good about you and your skills.
Try, “I sometimes make mistakes and that’s okay, mistakes create learning experiences.” “I am good at taking care of my kids.” These are feel better statements, that don’t create much resistance.

“I am” is the most powerful statement you can say to yourself.

And the words that follow I am will create your future. Make them words that inspire great thoughts about yourself.

Today’s question is… Think on purpose. What I am statement do you want to show up in your life?

Until tomorrow, think about what you want, and who you have to become to get that, and write your I am statement in the positive present tense.
I am enough, I am wealthy, I am healthy, I am happy, I am the greatest singer to hit the centre stage.
Give your brain quality thinking material.

oxoxo Linda

As a certified Life Coach, I help you to help yourself, so you can create a well lived life your way. 
If what I am sharing resonates with you, follow me, reach out, share with a friend, like or leave a message below.
When you are ready to make a transformational difference in your life, contact me for a one on one coaching session.

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Harmony: Emotional Label

Harmony: Emotional Labels

Hello, My Friends

Are you fighting resistance or are you flowing with it?

This is a fabulous question. A question that increases our knowledge about ourselves.
Today I want to talk about our emotions.

The feelings we have in our body is a sensation. Which we feel as an emotion, these emotions are represented or described by one word.

For example Anger, Sadness, Depression, Anxiety are all describing emotions. More emotional words are guilt, shame, fear, regret and scarcity.
Each of these emotional descriptors are the results of your thinking.
And each of these emotional words come to us because we think that some thing, some-one, or some event, or some situation that is around you are causing these reactions within you.

This is not so.
Yesterday I said we are each responsible for every thing in our lives.

Our thoughts make our reality.
Your emotional state right now is being created by your thoughts.

Harmony is when you are thinking in alignment with who your inner self, knows you to be.
The feeling of harmony is the emotion of love, joy, peace, happiness, satisfaction, contentment and ease.
Each of these emotions are the results of your thinking.

When you think about and dwell on all the ‘bad’ things that are happening in your life or around you, your body has a physical reaction to those thoughts, sometimes it’s tears, at others it is anger and it feels so hot you have to move your body or you feel like you will explode.
When you think about and dwell on all the ‘wonderful’ things that are happening in your life or that are happening around you, you also have a physical reaction, you feel emotions of joy, laughter, fun, you may shed tears of joy, you may dance to release the energy of love you feel.
Each of these situations occur because of your thinking and dwelling.
Which one feels better?

This is the one that will lead you to a life you want, to the feeling of harmony within yourself. (I am presuming you prefer loving feelings to angry feelings, even though anger might be your default emotion right now)

Play around with this, think about the saddest day you can remember, how do you feel?
Think about the most joyous day you can remember, how do you feel now?
If you could paint a mental picture of each situation in your mind you will feel the power of your thinking.

Today’s question is… What are you thinking about most? How does this make you feel?

Until tomorrow, label that feeling, with an emotional word. Give it a name, bring it out of the unknown into the spotlight so it can be recognized and called out.

oxoxo Linda

As a certified Life Coach, I help you to help yourself, so you can create a well lived life your way. 
If what I am sharing resonates with you, follow me, reach out, share with a friend, like or leave a message below.
When you are ready to make a transformational difference in your life, contact me for a one on one coaching session.

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Website: http://www.authenticlivingwithlinda.com
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Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/lindacodlin
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Harmony: Flow with resistance and it disappears.

Harmony: Flow with resistance and it disappears.

Hello, My Friends

How is resistance a direction marker for you?

Do you get that when you are feeling resistance to doing what you think you want to do, you are out of alignment with your harmony?
AND you get to decide if you are going to stay in that resistance, or if you are going to find a more pleasant way of feeling.

Feelings are directly related to what you are thinking. Change your thoughts to something a little more enjoyable.

Let’s say you have committed to jogging every day, and this morning you wake up to rain on the window, what is your first thought?
Do you leap out of bed, and apply your jogging gear and head out the door, before your brain can talk you out of it, or do you roll over and whine it’s raining outside I don’t want to get wet today,
It’ll be cold, I’m too tired. All of these are thoughts and all of these thoughts are impacting your feelings, and now you have to access your will power to try and coax yourself into doing what you have already decided in advance that you were planning on doing.

Everything means nothing until you give it meaning.

The rain on the window didn’t mean anything until you made it mean something to your jogging.
And then resistance appeared.
You now have a couple of choices, force yourself to work through the emotions and feelings of resistance around running in the rain, or find the joy of running in the rain and do it happily.
Removing resistance is about acknowledging how you are feeling about the resistant thought, and finding a better emotional thought to think, to give you a better emotion.
Forcing your way through resistance is like wading through a muddy stream with your boots full of water, it is harder than it needs to be. Find an easier way through, go with the flow, take your boots off, or get out of the stream altogether.

Being in harmony with yourself is finding the easy way to live, now, I’m not talking about the lazy way, where you expect others to do for you what you know you must do for yourself.
You are responsible for your life and everything that is happening in it.
Now, for some of you that is a new thought. You are responsible for everything in your life. The good, the ugly and the blah.
You also have the ability to create anything you want.
Harmony within yourself is the key to open that door.

Today’s question is… Are you fighting resistance, or are you flowing with it?

Until tomorrow, think about how much of your energy is being used to push against things you don’t like, what if you stopped resisting them, and began to use them to create what you want.
Flow your energy into the creation you want, rather than fighting against what you don’t want.

oxoxo Linda

As a certified Life Coach, I help you to help yourself, so you can create a well lived life your way. 
If what I am sharing resonates with you, follow me, reach out, share with a friend, like or leave a message below.
When you are ready to make a transformational difference in your life, contact me for a one on one coaching session.

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Website: http://www.authenticlivingwithlinda.com
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Journaling: Write, draw, and think.

How do you want to fill the book of your life?

Write, Draw, think in ink.

Each page is a new thought waiting to be revealed.

unsplash.com picture: Mike Tinnion

Hello, My Friends

Thoughts belong on paper.

Some-times we can live in our minds, thinking and thinking about all the things that are happening about us, what we want and don’t have, thinking about how life has worked for us and against us.

Some-times we believe that the thoughts we are thinking are, truth.

I have always been some one who has kept journals and diaries, I have written my to do lists, long and weighted with the desire of all the things I didn’t have. I wrote of all the things I did during my days, and many things I did were good things, things that I had chosen for myself and my family.

If you were to read my diaries from my youth, you would find a thread running through them.

This thread was fix me, I am broken, I need a knight in shining armour to save me, I need some one to make me better, to be my saviour. Reading these entries make me smile, and weep at the same time.

They make me want to make sure that everyone knows that they are never broken, never have been and never will be.

The energy of thinking about being broken, needing to be rescued, saved and made whole was always one of lack, loss and fear. The words were eloquent, however the meaning was always the same. Begging and pleading for a better way of living.

Journaling is a fabulous way of getting your words, pictures and thoughts out of your head and onto paper.

Paper is unbiased, it doesn’t care what you write, or draw, it doesn’t care whether the words are positive or negative, how well together your sentences are put together. Paper doesn’t care whether your diagram is clear or smudged, whether you use ink, or pencil. Paper can be burned so the words can never be read, and the energy of those words can be set free.

Journaling is for the writer as much as it is for any future reader.

Today my journaling focuses on who I am, what I want to learn, who I want to become and my words come from a place of loving who I am, knowing I’m good enough as I am, that change is my choice.

I speak to myself as a woman who has all the answers, and I answer myself from the well of wisdom that flows from emotional freedom.

Do I have everything I want? No! That is an endless road of discovery, one I hope to be travelling on for many years to come. Do I know what potential I have and who I can be in my future life? I get glimpses of the woman I am to be, and the joy of writing this out, fleshing out the ideas, and feelings, thoughts and snippets of knowing the truth of who I am and feeling the excitement as I see her appear in my daily living is surreal.

I want to encourage you to begin to write, write what you want, write what you don’t want, write how you feel about those things, write about all your feelings.

There is no right or wrong writing, there is your writing. Shake off the shackles of your school days, and begin to put pen to paper, doodle, let your inner drawer come to play. See what shapes and forms you develop as you let the pen skim over the paper.

Your words can mean what ever you want them to mean, honest is better. Once you have written what you really think, see if you can find words to reframe how you feel into a little better emotion.

The idea of the journaling I do is to release the resistance I currently feel, and invite a better feeling to come in its stead. Often we don’t actually know what we are really feeling, and I mean the deepest darkest thoughts, or the highest and lightest thoughts. We get stuck in our day to day living and don’t look into the shadows or the light to see what we are hiding from.

Journaling is one way to explore your inner being with love and kindest, compassionate listening, without and judgment. And if it is too personal, and you feel exposed, you can burn it, safely of course and watch the hurt, judgement, shame and guilt go up in smoke, and feel the freedom of letting go.

Write an affirmation of what you want, a mentor once told me to begin with, I am so happy and grateful now that … and write what you want to see in your life as if you can feel the emotion of already having it.

Write down the top three actions you want to accomplish today.

Ask yourself questions, that will encourage you to get to know you better. Like “what kind of art do I like or dislike and why?” ” If you had no fear, what would you love to do, be or have?” “What is my biggest regret?” “What am I most proud of so far in my life?” “How do I want to be remembered after I have left this world?” “What is my no 1 self-sabotage tool?” “When am I most happy?”

The answer to these questions will open yourself up to your inner self, and you might actually discover that you are doing and being okay.

For me journaling helps me to be authentic. Try it, leave a message on how you found it, or leave tips and clues for others on how you journal and how it improves your well-being.

Until next time, let your pen express what your are feeling and thinking in a way that seems genuine to you.

oxoxo Linda

My details are…


email: authenticlivingwithlinda@gmail.com

Website: https://www.authenticlivingwithlinda.com

Facebook: https://facebook.com/lindacodlin25

Instagram: @lindacodlin